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i smell a rat

name: Rita Raske
alias: Boots, Umber
age: 28, Jun 23
gender: Demiwoman [they/she]
height: 5'4" *
nationality: German
occupation: Cryptographer, waiter
animal: Weasel
charm point: Pointy ears, bean brows
A mischievous hacker, and modern day sneak thief. They live for thrills, and never hold on to their money for long.Rita is a shapeshifter made of pure mana. This hazy 'true' form can be seen briefly between transformations (think Nightcrawler's BAMF, but less explosive).They've had bad experiences with mages, and generally have a difficult time trusting others-- or even themself. They've been known to lose control of their desires in the past. It's a very volatile existence.Tsundere (derogatory).
Coffee, gossip, traveling
Formalities, fishy food, horses
guilty pleasure:
Reality TV
- Sombra [ ex-boyfriend, and partner-in-crime ]
- Lucita [ commissioned artwork from her once ]

name: ???? ??????????
alias: Rose
age: 26, Oct 18
gender: Male [he/him]
height: 6'0"
nationality: Swedish
occupation: Conservator-Restorer
animal: Goat
charm point: Baaa, wiggly tail
A very funky man. He's always in good spirits, and tries to share the merriment with everyone and anyone. Something about him doesn't seem quite right, but he is a man with goat legs, after all.He has a reputation for amazing technical work. Many find it a surprising contrast to see the energy behind his reckless clumsiness honed into direct focus on the tiniest of paint strokes.That is to say- he's the one who broke a lot of the things he fixes.A bit of a jock.
Booze, parties, Caravaggio
Tall fences, hot weather, citrus
guilty pleasure:
He's a satyr, anything
bleh blehhh

name: ?????? ???????
alias: Verte
age: 27
gender: Female [she/her]
height: 5'6"
nationality: French
occupation: Ranger
animal: Doe
charm point: Double cowlicks, freckles
Doooont look at me I keep meaning to write this. SHe's fun I swear
Camping, playing harmonica, steak
Swimming, soggy shoes, easy answers
guilty pleasure:
Starting fires
- Pearl [ ex-girlfriend ]

name: ?????? ???????
alias: Kage
age: 29, Jan 13
gender: Female [she/her]
height: 6'0"
nationality: Japanese
occupation: Event planner, bartender
animal: Tiger
charm point: Bowtie, ponypoof
Wave 1 version!Formerly the heir to a large business conglomerate, Kage left home at a young age. She tried to live a quiet life as a bartender, but her family connections kept pulling her back into trouble time and time again.Kage, despite having clear talent in managment, doesn't really know what she wants to do with her own life. Maybe she never will. Maybe she's fine with that. Maybe she wants to sleep in until 3pm with Netflix on in the background every day and not think about it.She dotes on her siblings whenever she can, but is not above bullying them.Really tired, but really good at hiding it.
Board games, red wine, a good joke
Morning people, running, mushrooms
guilty pleasure:
Cancelling plans
- Tomoka [ younger sister / different universe ]
- Akane Seto [ protege ]
yas queen

name: Tomoka Hamazoe
alias: n/a
age: 25 (340+ but most of it was a nap), Oct 30
gender: Female [she/her]
height: 5'2"
nationality: Japanese
occupation: Competitive karuta champion, layabout
animal: Housecat
charm point: her laugh, sleepy eyes
Wave 2 version!The second daughter of five from an Edo-era noble family. Would much rather live out the life of a warrior than an heiress. When she's suddenly thrust into a political coup, she runs away from it all- and as fate has it, gets sealed in a shrine for a couple hundred years.She's very clingy, and very bad at blending in with modern folk. Tomo is still very spoiled at heart despite everything she's been through... to the suffering of her roommate, whose credit score is probably like 117 by now.She's not terribly talented at anything useful. She was very happy to find out people still played her favorite card game in 2015!Chocoholic.
Sweets, theatre, cool swords
Cheap fashion, electronics, being alone
guilty pleasure:
- Kage [ older sister / different universe ]
rouge fan 91

name: Megumi Saito
alias: Lucita, Violet
age: 34, Feb 3
gender: Female [she/her]
height: 5'7"
nationality: Japanese
occupation: Art director, forum lurker
animal: Hedgehog
charm point: Frizzy hair, m-mouth
A high-ranking director who feels in over her head despite her experience. She is ten feet deep in the sunk cost fallacy, and work double-time to make up for anywhere she lacks. Where she's short on charisma, her passion speaks for itself-- even if it's a bit quirky. Kind of a dork.She has a strong critical eye- great for her job- but also has a habit of geeking out over really inconsequential subjects. Fan of Sonic. May get into a forum fight about the differences between both of the Fruits Basket anime adaptations.If you can convince her to go to bed before midnight, you've earned her trust.
Sour candy, cute characters, nerding out
Loud voices, 'wasting' time, perceiving and being perceived
guilty pleasure:
Linkin Park
- Rita [ did a commission for them once ]
entangling roots

name: ????? ???????
alias: Pearl
age: 30, Aug 9
gender: Female [she/her]
height: 5'10"
nationality: French
occupation: Treasure hunter, curator? I'm still working on her shh
animal: Unicorn
charm point: Hime cut, please don't think of her as charming it's bad for her ego
A grouchy, snobbish stick in the mud. She sighs dramatically at everything, and can't take a joke to save her life. But that's just your problem. She's amazingly fun, but you simply wouldn't understand the complexity of her taste.Very jumpy. Has very little composure despite claiming otherwise. Remarkably gullible.Likes hanging out in fancy gardens so she can pose on the marble benches and hope someone notices.
Flowers, mirrors, waltzing
Thunder, commonfolk, shenanigans
guilty pleasure:
Eating baby carrots out of the bag
- Sombra [ appraisal work, friends with his mom ]
- Verte [ ex-girlfriend ]
minions pls

name: Morgan Wagner
alias: Sombra, Cassino
age: 27, Feb 17
gender: Male [he/him]
height: 6'1"
nationality: German
occupation: Patissier
animal: Horse
charm point: Braid, jangly earrings
Awwww man I forgot to update this for un-spoilers. Scam wizard! Scam wizard! Beep beep beep!
Horses, sweets, crystals
Spending money, messy living spaces, junk food
guilty pleasure:
Facebook mom memes
- Rita [ ex, and partner-in-crime ]
- Pearl [ does appraisal work for him ]
ooga booga

name: Ruri Futamata
alias: Banshee
age: 24
gender: Female [she/her]
height: 5'9"
nationality: Japanese
occupation: Composer
animal: Lemur
charm point: Crescent moon eyes, big ol smile
A strange and giggly woman. Ruri is a talented violinist best known for her silver-screen soundtracks and chilling live performances.Without an appearance in years, though, it's difficult to find her name, even on obscure projects. Diehard fans showed confusion at her sudden and rocky decline, but to most folks nowadays she's simply a passing thought.
Stickers, jello, rainy nights
Dealing with mail, cooking, big crowds
guilty pleasure:
Midnight walks alone
- None yet!
go grandpa go

name: Shuichi Kaida
alias: n/a
age: 30, May 4th
gender: Male [he/him]
height: 5'4"
nationality: Japanese
occupation: Horticulturist
animal: Turtle
charm point: Headband, his soft voice
A gentle and sleepy kinda guy. He loves his plants, and considers each one to have its own personality.And aside from that it depends, because sometimes he's a human and sometimes He Ain't--NO I will not make any of this make sense
Rare plants, relaxing, writing
Milk, plants being called weeds, perfume
guilty pleasure:
70s Manga
- none?
borger king

name: ?Koji "Stormy" Banno
alias: Joe
age: 23, July 7th
gender: Male [he/him]
height: 5'9"
nationality: Japanese
occupation: Street Skater
animal: Dog
charm point: Lack of swag, silly goofy vibes
Flips, attention, self-expression
guilty pleasure: